Virtues for Victory - Living a lifetime of Triumph - DVD or CD (2)
by T.L. Osborn
In this two disc set, T. L. Osborn expounds 5 revealing statements:
1. Principle is our fundamental ingredient, our
underlying endowment.
2. I see two things always before my eyes:
I see Jesus giving His life for the world,
I see the world yearning for His gift of life.
3. We are the product of LOVE... we are His
product and He is love, His life in us is LOVE-LIFE.
4. God can't carry out His dream without us. We can't
carry out God's dream WITHOUT HIS PEOPLE.
5. Ponder what Christ has done for us:
Redemption - Restored to His life
Reconciliation - At one with His purpose
Pentecost - Endued with His Spirit
Commission - Sent with His mission
His Word - Authorized with His message
His Will - His love in us
Jesus said: I came down from heaven, not to do my own
will, but the will of Him that sent me. Jn.6:38
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