T.L. Osborn | 20th Century Apostle to the Nations - DVD
Get your copy of the Tribute Video to Dr. T.L. Osborn "20th Century Apostle to the Nations". This DVD includes:
- Family photos that have never been released publicly
- During a TBN interview, Drs. T.L. and Daisy tell how they met and fell in love
- Dr. T.L. shares how he became a preacher, including how Jesus appeared to him
- Early footage of Drs. T.L. and Daisy's Mass Miracle Evangelism crusades
- Candid video of Dr. T.L. and Dr. LaDonna recorded in their home in Tulsa, Oklahoma as they recall amazing miracles that they have witnessed
- Video footage of Dr. T.L.'s final crusade at age 87 that was conducted in Guntur and Madurai, India in 2011
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